Welcome to Bristol Shotokan Karate Club!
Our next training session is on Tuesday 18 Feb 25 at 9.00pm
Beginners are always welcome!
We are a small club based in North Bristol, England, with karate-ka at all levels from 10 kyu to 3rd dan, lead by our instructors Sensei Shaney, Sensei Nick & Sensei Will.
We train at Horfield Parish Church Hall on Tuesdays & Thursdays evenings from 9.00 pm to 10:30 pm (Map ).
Shotokan Karate is an excellent means of self development, with the added benefits of keeping fit, improving strength and flexibility!
We are affiliated to the KUGB. Gradings take place every three to six months.
A 2008 Bristol Shotokan's Club Photo...
For more information email: bristol.shotokan.karate.club@gmail.com